Outdoor car storage or indoor car storage? Is one better than the other? What factors do you need to consider?  We will take a look at the value of indoor car storage in this article by the storage experts at Mouser Self Storage, serving South Fort Worth, Alvarado, and Johnson County. Cal us at 682-800-3949 for information about current pricing and availability of car self storage units at Mouser.

Indoor car storage vs outdoor: which is better?

Money is always at the forefront of any discussion about car storage.  Leaving your vehicle at a specialized car storage facility is expensive for the average citizen, usually in the $300-$500 per month range, possibly more depending upon location.  Having said that, there is no doubt that inside car storage is preferable over outdoor car storage, if for no other reason than your vehicle is safe with secure storage inside.  Even if all you can afford to do is keep your car in your own locked garage, that is more secure than your driveway.

Put another way, on a scale of safety rankings, the least safe would be in your driveway, while the safest would be in a secure car storage facility, with the cost rising dramatically depending upon the level of security.

The value of storing your car indoors.

There are three forces to be concerned about when storing a vehicle outside: theft, vandalism, and Mother Nature.

Car thefts are up across the United States.  With a struggling economy, and with so many people simply trying to make ends meet, an easy buck earned by stealing a car (and it is very easy to steal a car), is a very tempting proposition for many.  Regarding vandalism, we won’t begin to guess why some people feel the need to spray paint a stranger’s car or scratch a car with a key while the car sits in a driveway, or break a windshield, or any types of vandalism.  But it happens and with great regularity.

Mother Nature, on the other hand, is fickle.  Hailstorms, blizzards, windstorms knocking down trees, and blistering heat ruining surfaces in a car, these things will happen yearly, and they can mean thousands of dollars in repairs to your vehicle.

The only protection you have, then, is an indoor car storage unit.

Can you afford it?

This, then, is the question.  Can you afford to store your vehicle in a secure storage facility during your prolonged absence?  Can you afford to pay over three-hundred dollars, per month, to keep your car or truck safe for one month, two, three or longer?  Or do you roll the dice and hope theft, vandalism, or Mother Nature’s wrath do not come a’visitin’?

We have one other solution to consider, and that Is keeping your car or truck in a self-storage facility during your absence.  Storage units are much less expensive than specialized car storage facilities. For example, at our own Mouser Self Storage, a 10’x15 storage unit currently costs $80 per month.  A designated car storage unit, 15’x30’, costs $110 per month, with electricity included.

Can you afford to pay $80-$110 per month? You are the only one who can answer that question, but it is a much less expensive option should you deem storage to be a necessary priority.

A final word about Mouser Self Storage.

Mouser Self Storage is locally owned and operated, offering car storage units, boat storage units, RV self storage, and even small hobby shops, in addition to the traditional storage units for household belongings. Call us today for current pricing.