You can find small shop space for rent in some self-storage buildings these days, and we will share the pros and cons of this approach in this article by Mouser
We look at traditional small shop space, what it will cost you, and then non-traditional small shop space, and the reasons why the latter may be your best opt.
We discuss small shop space options, the cost of them, and what we believe is the best bang for your buck in Fort Worth and elsewhere. Think outside the box.
This is most likely the least expensive small shop space in Fort Worth, great location, easy access, perfect for artist, woodworker, etc, 300 square feet.
We are talking about small shop space in expensive Fort Worth for a fraction of the rental price normal shop space would cost. This really is a great deal.
Small shop space, small hobby shop, perfect location and size for any hobby you might have. Call Mouser Self Storage about current pricing. Electricity and 24/7