Choosing among the local storage units in your area is a bit more complicated than making a Google search, especially if your goal is to find the best value in a self storage unit.

We are here to help. We are Mouser Self Storage, offering outstanding value in storage units in South Fort Worth, Alvarado, and Johnson County. Call us today and 682-800-3949 for more information.

Now, though, let’s talk about finding value.

A typical ad for storage units.

We just did one of those Google searches for our own city of Fort Worth. The first Google hit which came up was “1st Month Free & Up to 40% Off.” The second Google hit said “$1 Rent for your first month,” while the third Google suggestion said “$18/Month Fort Worth Storage.

There is a word which perfectly describes ads like those mentioned and that word is clickbait.  They are designed to get customers to click on the ad, offering the bait of low, low prices for some unspecified and probably non-existent storage spaces.  What they don’t tell you is the topic for the next section.

Let’s look a little bit deeper.

What size storage unit can be rented for $1? What type of storage unit? Is it indoors our outdoors? Is it first floor or third floor? Can you access it by car? Is it secure self storage or less than secure? Is there electricity in the units? Is it climate control self storage, or not? Do you need to sign for multiple months in order to receive the great rental rate offered? What about an exit strategy in case you lease for three months but find out you only needed two months? If it in a safe area?

What about liability? Do you need renter’s insurance? What is the reputation of the local storage places? How about easy access? Hours of operation?

We could go on and on, but you get the point: renting storage units is a bit more complicated than making a Google search.

What is value in a storage space?

Let’s assume for a moment that you are not susceptible to clickbait, that you are actually a discerning buyer who understands the value of market research.

What exactly do you need?  If you need 300 square feet of storage space (10’x30’), then clickbait ads for 10’x10’ storage units are worthless for you.  If you need climate control self storage for your car, and it is not offered, then the greatest discounts known to man will not give you what you really need.  If you are storing valuables, and a storage company does not have the four levels of security, is there really any value there for you?

Put another way: The greatest value in a storage space, for you, is the one which gives you what you need at the best price.  Period, end of discussion. All the clickbait in the world will not change that truth.

A final word about Mouser Self Storage.

Mouser Self Storage, along with our sister company, Blue Mound 287 Self Storage, are locally owned and operated. Call us today and ask us about our car storage, RV self storage, boat storage units, small hobby shops and, of course, our storage units for your household items.  We are located just outside Alvarado, Texas in the 917 Industrial Park.