Is it really possible to save money on self storage prices? Most people assume that you rent suitable storage units, you pay the price asked of you, and you store your possessions in that unit.  There is no discussion or thought about saving money. You see the advertisement for a small storage unit, $60 per month, end of discussion. You fork up the money and continue on with your life.

Hold on just a moment.  All of that is true, to a point, but there are ways you can save money, and we will share those with you in this article. We are Mouser Self Storage, serving South Fort Worth, Alvarado, and Johnson County with affordable self storage spaces. Call us at 682-800-3949 for current pricing information.

First, the price you can expect to pay for a storage unit.

There is no way for us to give you an accurate price quote in 2025 or whenever this article is read.  Self storage prices rise, just like all other prices in the business world. What we can do is give you a ballpark figure, something for you to use as a gauge going forward.

Generally speaking, the larger the storage unit the more costly it will be.  Let’s talk about the smallest storage space available to you, either a 5’x5’ or a 5’x10’ storage unit. Depending on where you are located, these units will cost somewhere in the $40-$70 per month range as of the start of 2025. The larger units, some measuring 20’x30’ or larger, can easily cost you $200 per month or more.  Remember, these are ballpark figures, guesstimates at best, but they are adequate as a baseline in this article.

Look for move-in specials to cut self storage prices.

Practically all self storage places offer move-in specials. It is a very common practice.  These specials may say “first month free,” or they may offer a discount on the first month, or some other variation of that theme. Shop around and find the best specials, but make sure you are not sacrificing security by taking a cheaper price. We always caution people to do their research and find secure self storage at the best price. Check reviews. Talk to friends who have used self storage before. We are talking about your valuable and their safety, and that should not be compromised just to say ten bucks on the front end of the transaction.

Load properly to save money.

You might be surprised to learn how many people rent a storage unit which is too large for what they need, meaning they spend more money than they should, simply because they do not know how to properly pack their belongings prior to storage. Using sturdy boxes will allow you to store vertically as well as horizontally along the floor. The vertical space is often overlooked by novices; you should be looking at a 5’x10’ storage unit as 400 cubic feet rather than 50 square feet.

Final discounts to look for.

Many storage places will offer discounts for the military, retired, or first-responders, discounts which can save you hundreds on a long-term rental. They are certainly worth asking about.

A final word about Mouser Self Storage.

Mouser Self Storage and our sister company, Blue Mound 287 Self Storage in Haslet, are locally owned and operated. Call us about current pricing and current discounts being offered.